Thursday, March 08, 2007

Cool & Inspiring Graphic Art

These are some of the cool, inspiring & very creative Graphic Art

Dream Machine


Keep it together


Images :

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Here we go again...another fool...

Here we go again, another fool trying to disprove the authenticity of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. It was Dan Brown a few months ago, now this super fool James Cameron comes out with a new findings/documentary. It's funny that Cameron refuses to violate the real Titanic as a kind of graveyard, but has no problem desecrating coffins and such in this case.

This absolutely nonsense & ridiculous, how can they claim to identify the DNA from Jesus? They could maybe get some DNA from the 2000 year-old skeletons (it's hard, but sometimes possible to obtain just a little DNA, usually damaged, though), but how can they say it is from the Jesus of the New Testament? I don't think anyone can seriously make that kind of scientific claim.

what are these guys, where from these guys come from? where from these ideas come from? what are they trying to prove, it necessary to dig out such baseless things after 2000 yrs n present it the world.

Jesus taught us some good moral things in life not the bad things, Christ taught us to be compassionate to other, to forgive others, to be tolerant, generous, kind, selfless, repentance, sacrificing. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” “For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Majority of the world follows Christianity, What if people/world didn't follow Jesus teachings, i'm sure world would have been much much more cruel & ruthless place to live, world would have been experiencing more wars, killings, corruption, all sorts of evil things happening around you, n people living without any moral values.

These guys, just to make some extra money and to earn fame, they are contesting & challenging GOD? these guys are insane. I'm sure James Cameron must be aiming for an Oscar Award for this documentary, its been a long time he won an Oscar. These guys surely belong to Satan's Anti Christ family!

After all this, i think, we need to relax, this will die down in a few days...

Christians are not Shaken by james cameron or dan brown or any other tom, dick & harry. there have been lot of attempts along the centuries to disprove the authenticity of the gospel and of Christ, and they have FAILED!

i wonder if anyone will make/write a post once cameron is shown to be a fool. he's from hollywood guys, land of make-believe :-))